please see below a brief outline of our terms and conditions:-
Once the initial trial period has been completed all fees are for a full term and are payable with a completed registration slip at the first class of each new term. A minimum of one half terms written notice is required prior to withdrawal of a child from class otherwise one half terms fees will be payable.
Payment of fees will be specified in an individual invoice for each student. Fees need to be paid no later than half term. If payment is not made in accordance with the terms (date specified on the invoice) then a £10 late fee will be applicable.
All liability for a child before and after their class time is specifically excluded by Evolution Dance Academy and its employees. Parents should return promptly to collect their child. If you know you are likely to be late, the teacher MUST be informed.
The very nature of teaching dance involves an amount of physical contact, in either correcting movements of, with younger children, forming circles and dancing with partners. Physical contact cannot be avoided, but will only be used as and where applicable to the class.
There could be occasions, especially in smaller classes, where only one child may attend a class, i.e. if other pupils are absent for whatever reason. The class will always to continue to run and any parents who are unhappy that this situation may occur, are always welcome to observe the class through the glass doors.
The younger children, i.e. under the age of 5 years are not always capable of lasting through a 30 minute class without needing the toilet. Children of this age must be accompanied and the teacher will call upon another parent from the waiting area to accompany them, whilst the teacher remains with the rest of the class. These parents are not licensed chaperones and therefore any parent not happy with this situation MUST REMAIN AT EVERY CLASS that their child attends in case their child needs accompanying. However, in order to lessen the chance of this happening, we would ask that all children be taken to the toilet before class commences.
Should a situation arise that means that classes may need to be cancelled at late notice, i.e. teacher sickness, these instances will be taken into account in the next term’s bill. However, a refund will not be given for absence.
Photographs may be taken during classes or dance performances throughout the year which you will be told about in advance. If you do not wish for any pictures of your child to be used in advertising, on our facebook page or our website you must contact us or let us know on the registration form.
For any new students looking to join Evolution Dance Academy feel free to sign and return the attached terms and conditions form